Thursday, 4 September 2014

Can you guess what these are?

We've returned from a few lovely sunny few days in a remote unspoilt part of Kent.

We took loads of photos, but before I tell you more about the trip, you might like to guess what this is:

OK That was the easy one, but it gets harder now.   What are these structures then? 


  1. Old defense buildings, radar?

  2. Defence is on the right track, but not radar.

    The structure in first photo is over a hundred years older than the structures in the second series of photos. Even these are made from concrete not metal and are an older technology than radar.

    Their shape may give a clue to their purpose. What does the shape remind you of?


    1. Looks like the shape of observatories, radio trackers?

  3. Not radio, but they are a type of reflector. But they don't reflect light or any other type of electromagnetic radiation.
